

Add objects by submiting input form. Add for example terminal, risk management rule or compliance document.


Set number of rows to be displayed per page.

Filter data by keywords.

Export Buttons

Export selected data in PDF or CSV format.

Access API reference, settings, account or log out.


Summary page to get overivew of merchant stats as turnover per currency, approval rate, number of payments, list of terminals and recent payments and statements.


List of terminals in merchant account.


Summary page to get overview of terminal stats as turnover per currency, approval rate, number of payments and recent payments and statements.


List of payments per terminal. Filter payments by keyword with advance search or export filtered payments in PDF or CSV format.

View payment details. Perform backoffice payments like Refund or Capture.


List of statements per terminal. Filter statements by keyword or export filtered statements in PDF or CSV format.

View statement details and export statement in PDF or CSV format.


List of gateway per terminal. Configure gateways with gateway merchant account details and set to active or inactive.


API credentials to be used to authenticate API calls per terminal.


List of payment per merchant. Filter payments by keyword with advance search or export filtered payments in PDF or CSV format.

Filter data by advance search selecting multiple parameters like date, amount, currency, terminal, gateway or payment status.


View payment details. Perform backoffice payments like Refund or Capture.


List of statements per merchant. Filter statements by keyword or export filtered statements in PDF or CSV format.


View statement details and export statement in PDF or CSV format.

Risk Management

Set risk management rules by whitelisting customers or blacklisting emails, cards, BIN's, IP's, countries. Add advanced fraud rules like velocity limits, risk scores, ...

Customers Whitelist

Add, activate, inactivate or remove a customer email. Whitelisted customer will pass other risk management rules and process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.

Emails Blacklist

Add, activate, inactivate or remove email. Blacklisted email will block and not process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.

Cards Blacklist

Add, activate, inactivate or remove card. Blacklisted card will block and not process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.

BIN's Blacklist

Add, activate, inactivate or remove BIN. Blacklisted BIN will block and not process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.

IP's Blacklist

Add, activate, inactivate or remove IP. Blacklisted IP will block and not process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.

Countries Blacklist

Add, activate, inactivate or remove country. Blacklisted country will block and not process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.

Fraud Rules

Add, activate, inactivate or remove fraud rule. Fraud rule will block and not process a payment. Set rows per pate, filter data by keyword and export filtered data in PDF or CSV format.


List of invoices per merchant.


View invoice details and export or print inovice in PDF.


Setting of merchant account like account info, security settings, compliance documents and payment page settings.


View merchant account info.


Change password.

Set two factor authentication.


List of compliance documents per merchant. Add new compliance document.

Select a file. Enter title and description and submit the form to add a new document in compliance.

Payment Page

Upload merchnat logo and backround image to customize merchant payment page.

Secure payment page.

Coypyright and access to Terms & Conditions and Privacy.

Terms & Conditions

Review Terms & Conditions.


Review Privacy.